notes and thoughtforms

it has been:

00 years 00 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds

days since i stopped drinking/dxm/etc...

without further ado

personally i'm pretty hard

i have adopted your habit of using courier font for everything. it's so lovely!

i invite you to write your own notes below!

erase this line and fill with whatever i don't care. it'll be gone when you reset the page. like all good ideas

"The tendency to seek, or the practice of seeking, distraction from what normally has to be endured"

suboptimal at best

i was born with so much potential. i ruined myself with my own hands. i let my sadness consume me. the cavern that i have wandered into will soon swallow me whole. the entrance will fill with rocks and i won't be able to dig myself out. the stones pierce my hands


how to cage an angel:

redownloading nekopara today

hey guys why is nothing fun anymore

You know, maybe if you actually USED your skills for something instead of repeating the same shit over and over again maybe you would get somewhere ?

i suppose.

So get on with it . What use is sitting around whining ?

i get it

we are feeling better today!! or maybe it's all the coffee.....

(It's nothing. It's your imagination.)

(yes like the hedges nevertheless they did move)

(They did not move!)

But because he was human he could not help a bitter wish that the cup had never been passed his way.

"and yes, i would rather die than seek help from a shrink," she said. "what do i need it for? i'd rather writhe around in my own self-pity. what use is it to waste time on me? even if i am paying you?"

A truant finds home
And a wish to hold on
But there's a trapdoor in the sun

The Sons of God Saw the Daughters of Men That They Were Fair

omen milk


tweaking over being the worst and most sensitive person on the planet everything affects me profoundly i wanna CRY

go back?